Being sick is no fun


Today was our second company visit to Capital Bio. I am going to be completely honest, it was very hard to follow exactly what this company did. I know there are bio chips involved that can help find diseases in people and food, but the man who gave us the tour had a very thick accent. Also, he was going entirely way too fast. The building was very cool, though. I remember the man giving us the tour said it was shaped like a leaf. In the back of the building there was a small pond and a lot of trees and paths for the people who worked at Capital Bio to enjoy during their leisure time. After visiting Capital Bio, I was supposed to go to the Kung Fu show with every one else, but I was not feeling too well, thus Vanessa brought me to the hospital. I was very surprised by the hospital—it was so Americanized. Also, the doctor who saw me was American and went to Ohio State University! It made me feel more comfortable. Thankfully, all I have is a cold— no scary Chinese diseases. After that, Vanessa and I went back to our hotel. I got dinner by myself since everyone was at the Kung Fu show. Lastly, I fell fast asleep in my bed.

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